His Divinity Gurudev Swami Brahmananda Saraswathi Maharaj

Transcendental Meditation and T.M. Sidhi Programme draw their inspiration from Maharishiji's Master. His Divinity Swami Brahmananda Saraswathi Maharaj who was the Shankaracharya of Jyothirmath, in Northern India.

Maharishiji and his Master came from a tradition whose roots go back to the beginning of time and which includes great saints such as Vashista and Vyasa who saw within themselves the delicate impulses of pure knowledge, the Veda which are the very basis of life.

The precious knowledge which has made Transcendental Meditation so effective and successful and has made it possible for us to become Sidhas, comes from this glorious tradition.

School Motto

Knowledge is structured in consciousness means consciousness constitutes knowledge......

"If we want complete knowledge we should have a state of consciousness which is most comprehensive. The expanded, un-bounded state of consciousness should be established and then on thebasis, whatever knowledge isgainedwill be true and complete. Because that non changing field of pure consciousness does not change and because it is unbounded, knowledge will always be complete, comprehensive and non-changing. Then the knowledge will be true. Truth is that, which never changes. Only incomplete knowledge changes. Complete, decisive, full knowledge gained on the level of pure consciousness never changes. This is what we aim at when we say: "Knowledge is structured in consciousness".

Mission Statement

The school strives to improve the performance of the students every year in such a way that at least 40% of the students get into high profile institutions and other reputed institutions. It ensures to improve the students' physical and mental health through physical fitness program. Transcendental meditation, yoga and pranayama make the learning environment happy and peaceful.